Addiction Recovery Programs in Richmond, VA
Our recovery program in RVA provides a safe, welcoming place to build a foundation for substance use disorder recovery.
Richmond Recovery Residence Overview
Our recovery residences provide individuals with safe and affordable housing while they progress in their recovery journeys. They have access to our Richmond addiction treatment center and its activities, as well as structure and accountability within the house. Sober living residents are required to attend a weekly community meeting as well as pursue a recovery pathway. All of our recovery residences are certified by the Virginia Association of Recovery Residences (VARR) and the National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR). We have Level One and Level Two houses in accordance with VARR standards.

Who We Serve
We provide residential services to adults (18+) who:
- Same Day Access to Recovery Housing
- Same Day Access to Peer Support Services
- 15,000 sq ft Recovery Community Center Open 365 days/year
- 16 Recovery Residences with over 150 Beds

Richmond Recovery Residence Expectations
The McShin standard of recovery housing means:
- In The McShin Foundation housing, residents will find a friendly and caring atmosphere
- Residents will have a peer leader in the house to guide them
- Access to multiple pathways of recovery and peer support services through the RCO
- Random drug screens with laboratory confirmation
- The McShin Foundation standard of recovery housing means all houses abide by VARR standards

What We Expect
- Residents to adhere to The McShin Foundation guidelines
- Residents to find a pathway to recovery
- Residents to make an effort to improve, grow, and integrate into Richmond’s recovery community
- Residents to be uplifting and positive to towards themselves and others

Pregnant and Parenting Women's Recovery Home
Destiny House
We now have a Pregnant and Parenting Women’s Recovery Home. Destiny House provides a safe environment for moms that are pregnant as well as moms with a child. They attend recovery-related, faith-based, and 12-step groups with their child. The women in this home have a House Leader that is McShin staff residing at the home as well.

Get Help Now for Addiction
Call (804) 249-1845
Speak to one of our staff members about entering one of The McShin Foundation recovery residence or to learn more.
Richmond, VA
Recovery Resources
• Open 365 Days / Year
• Same Day Access to Recovery Housing
• Same Day Access to Peer Support Services
• 15,000 sq ft Recovery Community Center
• 16 Recovery Residences with Over 150 Beds